Many local (and even not-so-local) knitters are familiar with Nana Sadie Rose. She has always been known for lovely, high quality bags. I received one last year as a wedding/birthday present. (sorry for the bad lighting, it's cloudy here today)

Unfortunately, the bags normally have a one-button closure, which is not Tripsie Proof.

(she wasn't a willing model, she'd just been sprayed with water earlier for trying to eat yarn on the table)
So when I saw this post on Nana Sadie's blog, I was VERY excited.
I left a comment saying how much I love her bags but need the ability to close things more securely (and also how much I loved the fabric). A paypal transaction and a few days later, I have this.

I love it. It's much bigger than I had thought.
I'm used to sock project bags, but this is big enough for a shawl or possibly even a baby blanket or sweater or two smaller projects.

So, whether you need drawstring closure or can enjoy other styles, make sure you check out Nana Sadie's Etsy Shop, or her main website where you can basically build your own bag.
Thanks again Nana Sadie!
I am SO happy you like your bag...and yes, I see your problem!! A drawstring is definitely a necessity in your house (what a lovely kitty, tho!)
I hope you enjoy both of your Nana Sadie Rose bags for a long time! And thank you for such a wonderful endorsement...