Last weekend, my husband and I went to HeroesCon, a comic book convention in Charlotte. One of the things I really like about HeroesCon is that it is still truly a comic book convention.

There's a few booths with some Anime or other movies, and some video game action figures,

but apart from that it is still all about the comics.

A little while back, I'd seen a banner ad on Ravelry (I love ads on Ravelry BTW) for a comic book involving knitting. I subscribed, and since I recently got the 3rd issue, I thought I'd review them!

The story revolves around twins Ana and Alex Miller who have superpowers! Soon their mom, Ana's friend Sue and members of Alex's hockey team are introduced, with more superpower hijinks. I will admit it was a little hard to tell what was going on at first (Like when Sue teleports when you don't yet know that she can). But, I have that trouble a lot (combination of ADD and horrible short term memory) so don't blame the writer without checking it out for yourself.
Knitting is featured heavily. Ana and Sue both knit, as well as the twin's mom, who also owns a yarn shop!
Each issue features a pattern in the back of the book, something one of the characters wore or carried.

At $20 a year, it's definitely worth it. 3 issues in and I feel like I've already gotten my money's worth. The comics are very thick and sturdy, they come pre-bagged, and with the patterns included as well I feel they're worth well more than the cover price.
You can purchase your subscription and read more about the creators here at
ComicKnits. They also have a shop where you can purchase kits! I really love the t-shirt and think I might pick one up right now!